Monday, August 11, 2008

The Drawer of Destiny

It's not much of a secret that Heidi and I have serious pack rat tendencies. Of course, in classic FOA style, we're pack rats about DIFFERENT THINGS. So, the whole Fortress is full of boxes of things that one of us keeps trying to throw out, while the other says, "well, I don't know, we might need those someday..."

"We might need 50 feet worth of late 1980s Parallel Printer cables?"


Therefore, the system that's developed is one of largely tolerance and selective blindness. This is, of course, highly exacerbated by our inability to actually put anything away ever. It's not so much that we're lazy, you understand - it's that we're both champion grade procrastinators. And again, about largely different things, which tends to end in a net result of us getting nothing done.

(As an aside, this is my official marriage planning advice to all single people is this: marry someone who likes to do chores. But will be classy about it. And while you're at it, someone rich.)

Where I'm going with this is this: When we manage to spend an afternoon taking the drawer in the dining room we've been using as the place to stick all the crap we don't know what to do with for the past year and turn it into this:

Well, it's a relief for me anyway. Our kids might not get tetanus and die after all.

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