Thursday, June 11, 2009

Once again, YouTube brings the funny

It's a regular topic of horrified conversation in Doctor Who fan circles: what would the show look like in american hands (besides that mid-90s TV movie we don't talk about.)

As usual, YouTube has the answer:
Doctor Who opening in the styles of both Dallas and Arron Spelling.

This post inspired by the rumor that for next season, new show-runner Stephen Moffat is going to be replacing the existing opening credits with one that has a classic show style "face in space". As long as they get rid of that awful remix of the theme with something better, they can do whatever they want as far as I'm concerned.

(There's actually a very easy test to tell if a version of the Doctor Who theme is good or not: if you can identify a single instrument being used, they screwed up.)

Also, to wash that down with, check out Star Trek as the A-Team (whomever made that gets a FONTS WEEK thumbs up for the font in the title there.)

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