Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Omega Man!

As alert readers of the Twitter Update feed on the right will have noticed, Netflix streaming let me accidentally watch Omega Man the other night.

(Sidebar: Netflix streaming makes having a newborn possible. Up at 3am for another feeding? Why not just order up Omega Man and chillax?)

Somehow, I'd managed to never actually see this all the way through. The first 30 minutes is excellent, and then it starts a steady downhill slide straight into one of the least subtle alegories of an ending I've seen since Neo went from being a Jesus-eque character to actually BEING Jesus.

Final Score: 2 points, but an honorable mention for this:

Seriously, any movie that can provide THAT image is a winner. (Why yes, those are ruffles, and yes that IS velvet!)

I also bring this up so I can link to Mick LaSalle's Appreciation of Charlton Heston. This was in the SF Chronicle after Chuck died a while back, and it's not an obituary so much as just that - an appreciation. I'm sort of an accidental Chuck fan, and I keep trying to paraphrase this when people ask me why. Omega Man finally gave me an excuse to dig the link out of the web and post it here.

(And, for the record, if you haven't seen it, go rent Touch of Evil. Trust me.)

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