Monday, March 16, 2009

The internet's current belle of the ball

(I love how all stories about the Internet start with the phrase, "so, there's this guy...")

So, there's this guy. He did a super-cool thing that we don't seem to have any vocabulary for.

He wandered around youTube, and found a whole stack of random clips of people playing instruments. Dudes giving guitar lessons, little kids showing off trumpets, mullet-equipped gentlemen jamming on theramins. They all have that grainy, home-made quality that makes the half of youTube that I don't use to watch Battlestar Galactica clips so much fun (and / or terrifying. YMMV, and with youTube even more so.)

Anyway. He took all these clips he found, and mixed them all together into new songs. On paper (or the metaphorical blog equivalent) this sounds like a TERRIBLE idea - like all those kids cutting together Star Trek versus Stargate SG1 combat movies with an iMac, enthusiasm, and not much else.

The really surprising thing is how good it is. No, scratch that - it's not good. It's phenomenal. They sound professional - and I mean that in the best way possible. You keep having to remind yourself that this is 100% amateur work, and at just about every level of abstraction.

Go check it out if you haven't already.

It's pretty easy to be down on "the future" for more or less failing to deliver the classic list of future props we were "supposed" to have by now - jetpacks, hoverboards, PanAm flights to the space station, robot maids, that show from Running Man, etc. But this is one of those things that makes you step back and smile at the fact that the future we're getting is actually so much better than the one on the cover of Omni in 1985.

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