Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's always good news / Bad news with The Internet

Signing up for Facebook and Twitter in the same week have got me thinking alot about the web as a communications medium. The way it does.

Let's recap. I've got a blog with a feed. A Facebook page. Twitter. A Gmail account. Google Calendar. Google Reader. And an iPhone, with a whole mess of apps that tie into the above, along with mobile safari. Not to mention things like Yahoo Pipes and FeedBurner, which are sitting in the back row going "pick me, pick me!"

My response to this is to think that there must be a way to lash all that together to make my life easier. No, scratch that - by "easier", I really mean "more organized." Instead, "checking my email" now takes half an hour and uses a dozen services instead of ten minutes with Thunderbird like it used to.

I feel like you do about ten moves into working on a rubix cube. It's still all just a mess of different colors, and you're kinda still thrashing around, but the shape of the big picture is starting to form. You don't know the right moves to get there yet, but you're starting to be able to see the final shape down at the end of the hallway.

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