Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We mixed the books

I wanted to follow up to Gabe's post about the library with what excites me about our new organization. Our books are finally mixed. It may sound silly, but he and I have been together 5 years, lived together for 3.5 of those years, wed for 3.5 months and this is the first time we have a single library. I think this development is one of the things that has made me feel the most married.

When you have an English major w/a minor in creative writing, and a Sci-fi buff with an English minor to his BS in Computer Science under one roof -- you get A LOT OF FREAKIN BOOKS! It doesn't help that there are used book stores a plenty and amazon.com to feed our habit. SO this was a big step in my eyes and I am so glad Gabe did it. It now makes me wonder though how we are going to be able to afford a 6 bedroom house; we currently rent an awesome 4 bedroom Victorian so we each have our own office, a house library and a master bedroom. We are probably going to have 2 kids if all goes well so we'll need a place to stash them too.

I think I will go buy a lottery ticket with my bottled iced tea money.

1 comment:

Dani In NC said...

Sweetie, I think you will have to do what the rest of us did -- give up the offices for the sake of the kids. My youngest shared his bedroom with my computer for the first two years of his life. Now my computer is in my bedroom.