Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Your thought experiment for the day

As of this writing, the most recent numbers I can find have a yes vote on Prop. 8 ahead by about 400k votes, but with votes left to count and the absentee ballots yet to compute. Personally, I find this result disappointing but not surprising- California has a very solid arch-conservative population that only seems to come out to vote when the issue is guys kissing each other.  (If memory serves, the original gay marriage ban here passed by a similar margin.)

However, some food for thought:  what percentage of the people who voted to outlaw gay marriage do you suppose have "enjoyed" lesbian porn at some point in their lives?


Unknown said...

lolz. That last statement is freakin hilarious!

Kaydee said...

Hey, it's ok as long as it's not dudes. Right?

The passing up Prop 8 makes me lose a little faith in humanity. How could they?